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  1. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Hey guys. I don't usually post on SP (too lazy to login to account). I'd be interested in joining/helping a team get to gold. I main support/jungle in ranked (Silver 3) (just over 700 normal wins). I am in no way, shape, or form the best support/jungle on this earth, but i'm pretty good at hecarim, amumu, thresh, and blitz. I also am somewhat good at shaco :O

  2. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    twisted treeline is all about map awareness and lane mechanics, if you can do well in lane in normals/ranked, you can probably do it in tt, but we all seen your tf lol, I'm bad at laning too, which is why I rather play jungle/support in ranked because helping lanes is a lot less trouble than outplaying your opponent through the whole lane phase. I still practice laning in normals though.

  3. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Believe it or not my map awareness skyrockets in Twisted Treeline, because the map is so small that you don't have to worry about getting outplayed as much as the other lane ganking you. Of course my lane mechanics can be better but I should be able to patch it with "easy" champions (aka Warwick) and my good ol' Cho'Gath, who are a lot better in TT than SR.

  4. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Summary: You now need to win 5 games and participate in at least 30% of the team matches to bathe in the rewards.

  5. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    uh, that's got more to do with how much he's played Warwick over the years

  6. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    No no ray, you can't use champions like Warwick, it just doesn't work. Pick a champion from competitive play only.

  7. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    When we started playing Warwick was a champion from competitive play.

  8. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    When ww wasn't outclassed by all these champs who have halflane gapclosers like zac on 15sec cds, and the old old jungle had damage on the big minion, ww was so gud

    hyena ww I miss u :c

    I think ww was the first champ I ever got too now that I think about it :CCC

  9. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    lol.... thinking that ww is a good champion...

    I'll let you guys know a huge secret on the most op champion in 3s.
    if you're blue side, you must first pick. if you're pink, then it's a must ban.

    wukong will carry you bads from being bad

  10. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Ugh. I want Victorious Sona.

    No one likes fishsticks anyway. :3c

    A Rumble skin would be hot. 10/10 would flap again.

  11. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Did you read what I said?

    50% pick/ban rate at season one championships, @Purplefire44; and I have been playing this game for years.

  12. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Um so...?

    Sorry this is season 3, keep up please.

  13. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    err well ray was just saying ppfire was sick with ww because he played ww a lot, and he was "teh junglar" in s1 which is true

    I remember when you could use ww, now you try that and people will be like y not just jungle fiora isntead

    And it's true, wukong is strongggg but shh keep it a secret

  14. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Yeah i do know that WW was a very popular jungler back then, but saying that you should use him now AND in ranked 3s is just ridiculous =/
    Saying that just because hes good 2 years ago is just pretty silly seeing how the game changes like every month.

    Renekton is also a super op pick in ranked 3s ;)

  15. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Yea but no1 was saying to use him now

    I'm guessing corn meant if ppfire did it with someone as lame as ww then I can just carry in general
    that is how I saw it anyway.

    I srsly wish they would just add an active to his e or add a slow on something. ; - ;


  16. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    You're reading what you want to read. I never said he was good now, or even last year. Warwick was good when we started playing so he was able to play him a lot without people complaining. Repetition leads to mastery and comfort. That's all.

  17. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    I'm pretty sure saying that you shouldn't pick a certain champion at all is what's ridiculous. Especially due to the fact that ranked games shouldn't change your pick decisions.

    Although I do agree that using season 1 information in a season 3 setting is rather silly, even if that's not what he intended. :P

  18. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    sorry you're right, i've been skimming through this thread and misread a couple things and after reading through everything again on my computer and not my phone, things makes sense ;)

    thought people were saying that WW is some kind of sleeper op champion which is honestly pretty hilarious to me.

    Just trying to tell people, why pick bad champions when there are better ones? O_o

  19. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Exploit the opponent's lack of knowledge on uncommon champions. That tends to lead to victory.

    Yup, focus Poppy when her ultimate is activated because she's in the middle of the team wrecking the squishies.

    Turret dive a Karma that has very little health, no way she'll live.


  20. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Who decides what champion is better than the others?
    Up until rather recently, the consensus was that corki was a rather poor champion. And now he's becoming prevalent as an AP mid.
    If no one picked corki because some people thought he was "bad," how would they have found his strength as a mid laner?

    Hell, the koreans came into the pro scene by employing unconventional strategies and you can see how well they've thrived.. Pro players are notorious for setting examples of how "bad" champions can be extremely useful/powerful.
    There's no room for esports to grow if everyone does the same things. Any sport, really. Pro sports players don't have off seasons simply because they're 'tired;' they use them to refine strategies and try new things.

    You yourself just said that the scene is constantly changing. Why do you think that is?

    And, as a wise man once said:



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