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  1. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    People will always say LB counters most mids, but Anivia has the base damage, CC, and burst to be able to keep up with LB's damage when she's closing in for a kill. Most assassins without an instant silence/hard CC, really.

  2. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    You sure you know what you're talking about? LB can't be CC'd by Anivia, and her silence is practically instant. Not that you'd be able to avoid it anyways at lvl 6 and beyond.

  3. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Character qualities beyond basic stats and terms, irrespective of who it is:


    Burst - Damage done in a really short time. Champions with many abilities that do damage have higher burst. Typically found on caster champions. Junglers with high burst damage may counterjungle by stealing high value targets, such as Ancient Golem. Countered by EHP vs. physical/magical damage, or just having more HP. BV also helps mitigate burst.

    DPS - Damage per second. Best measured in a longer time frame of 3+ seconds. Typically found on the ADC, though it wouldn't be unusual to see this from a bruiser. Countered by EHP. Additional counters depend on the stats that the ADC is stacking on, and anything that mitigates/reduces those stats help.

    Single-target DPS - The amount of damage done per second to a single target. This is not to be confused with Burst, which is not exactly the same thing. Champions that excel at doing single-target DPS typically aren't as good at AoE damage. Single-target DPS is almost never better than AoE damage when it comes to clearing waves and pushing lanes. However, they are great when destroying structures and high durability targets. Champions with strong single-target DPS are typically countered by overwhelming team members.

    Area of Effect DPS - The amount of damage done in an area. Great for pushing lanes, and doing more damage against multiple enemies. Even though champions that excel in AoE aren't as good with single-target DPS, they may still have the burst damage capable of killing others. Junglers with good AoE DPS have fast clear times, and may provide opportunity for counterjungling. AoEs are soft-countered by scattering, although sometimes getting a team to scatter is a good thing.

    Anti-Tank - A particular quality about an ability that makes buying defense items less effective against it than normal. These include true damage, percent-scaling damage, and shreds. True damage does the full amount of damage stated, regardless of armor or MR (even negative defense values) or other forms of damage mitigation, and is countered by HP, heals, and shields. Percent-scaling damage counters stacking HP, but tend to scale poorly with AP. Shreds reduce the target's armor/MR, although buying an excessive amount of defense can mitigate this effect.

    Kiting - The ability to avoid another champion's damage and effects, while dealing damage against the victim/offender. The kiter is always a ranged champion, and is most often the ADC, although some casters are able to kite as well. Kiting can involve juking skillshots, spells, or simply staying outside of their range altogether. A great MS differential (high MS and/or slows) is the primary strength to kiting, while high AS helps to aid attack-moving. Countered by dashes/blinks, and Warden's Mail.

    Poking - The ability to whittle down another champion's health from afar. Generally skills and abilities suited for poking don't supplement overall DPS very well. Countered by sustain, and to a lesser extend EHP and mobility.


    Effective HP (EHP) - The amount of attacks, represented as raw damage, that is required to kill you. Since there are two components to surviving versus a particular type of damage (except true damage), effective HP is the result of the combination of those two defensive stats. Of the two, armor/MR is a multiplier effect, and is almost always better to build. However, since a team is likely to have both physical and magical types of damage, it's not particularly wise to stack up on EHP of one type too much. Building health adds to the EHP vs. physical and magical damage.

    Damage Reduction - May come in either flat or percent damage reduction. Works against physical and magical damage, but is ineffective versus true damage.

    Sustain - How well a champion/team can stay outside of the fountain before having to return due to lack of HP and/or MP. Countered by superior DPS and/or burst. Depending on the nature of the sustain, various other tactics will be required to counter, such as tactical aggression vs. shields.

    Revive - The ability to come back from death. Counters assassinations. This ability is rare and infrequent however, due to abuse potential.


    Crowd Control (CC) - An ability that inhibits a champion's abilities in one way or another. The more severe it is, the more rare it tends to be. Slows are rather plentiful to the point where a few champions can permanently slow someone, while stuns and knockups are rather uncommon and conditional. Suppressions are the ultimate form of CC, effectively shutting down the victim like a stun would, and it is not mitigated by CC reductions/tenacity, nor affected by Summoner Spell Cleanse. Countered by tenacity, CC reduction, CC immunity, BV and other spellshields, QSS, Cleanse, and sometimes sheer tankiness. Slows are countered by dashes/blinks.

    Peeling - The ability to stop aggressors from attacking allies. All peels are CC. Different types of CC have different effectiveness at peeling. Exceptionally strong peeling is known as disengaging.

    Initiation - The ability to start a fight in your favor. Strong initiation is almost always some form of hard CC, although initiation can sometimes take the form of catching the enemy completely off guard. In general, initiation in the form of a single skill or two is highly desirable to have in any team composition. Countered by anything that counters CC, as well as good positioning and map awareness.

    Mobility - How quickly a champion can move from place to place. This can either be in quick series of dashes, or with a more long-term MS buff. Good for countering spells that can't directly target a unit (all skillshots, most AoEs), and is also valuable for gankers. Countered by CC.

    Map Control - The amount of area beyond the champion's own line of sight that they can be knowledgeable of. This can be obtained either by having other line of sight effects and abilities, and/or traps. Map control cannot be hard-countered (other than Nocturne's ultimate), so usually map control via champion is limited in use instead, making it unreliable. Stealthed units (such as wards) and champions can be great resources of map control, although they are countered by magical vision (turrets, Oracle's Elixir, certain champion abilities, pink wards).

    Zoning - The ability to discourage enemy champions from going into a space, whether by being a dangerous champion, or by terrain effects, such as brush or abilities. Technically speaking everything that can attack or harm exerts their own zone of influence. Countered by good positioning and map control.

    By analyzing and recognizing your team composition's strengths and weaknesses, you should make the calls and plays accordingly. For example, when Dignitas picked a team that specialized in poking and disengaging, Solomid responded by picking the ultimate sustainer, Soraka, and a very strong initiation combo, Morgana and Skarner.

    I want to talk about more specialized champion roles and terms, but I'm tired atm....

  4. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    There's a chart somewhere that shows when armor/MR vs HP becomes even or better for one or the other. I can't seem to find it though. It was some big image with a ton of useful charts e.g. CV spots, ignite/smite damage, total minions by X minutes + gold, etc



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