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  1. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    Some parts are accurate (Cassiopeia being one of the top Casters, Mundo being one of the top Junglers) and some parts are wrong (AP Lulu being Tier 1, Trundle being one of the lowest Junglers). That being said, I'm certain I can find a number of high(er) ELO players that would be able to support that Garen and Xin Zhao are awful champions.

    And again I reiterate "and to be a good scrub..."
    I was just informing him that I play fewer games than he does so I have less opportunity to pull up my normal ELO. But then for that matter, ELO isn't everything (see: HotShotGG).

  2. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    That's not how elo works at all, lol.

    Also, if anyone had bothered to read the disclaimer, Elementz himself has stated that all tier 4 champions are 100% viable.

    That being said, elementz was a big fan of Garen not to long ago~

    Also to Xin zhao comments, he scales differently, he scales off a mixture of AS/AD and a small part CDR (He can actually use AS to force stuff off of CD with W's active)
    The biggest fault of Xin zhao lies in his immense snowballing. He has zero escapes and only a single gap closer so he must commit 100% and WIN. Good players can abuse this to bait his gap closer and kite him. That and his below average jungle and subpar laning lends him to only the most devoted players.

    Also what about hotshotgg? He's better than anyone on this board by far. Your failure to realize this means you are worse than you believe yourself to be.

  3. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    Someone once described Xin Zhao to me as "a cruise missile, you fire him at the carry and they both blow up"

  4. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    Yes and no. There are games where HotShot does brilliantly, he does do exceptionally well with the champions he's good at (but who doesn't?). But at the same time, he makes loads of mistakes. There was a video of him, in a tournament, where he basically cost his team the game because he would be split pushing and had no map awareness at all. Yeah, he's better than me, but he's also pomegranatety when compared to other "pro" players. That and he always likes to blame everything on his teammates and "glitches" when he does solo queue.

  5. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    This just in, one mistake means you're forever pomegranate.

    Hotshot is probably one of the biggest in terms of monetary gains and CLG has some of the highest boasting achievements as a professional team. Your notion that Hotshot makes "loads" of mistakes just simply can't be true. If he made THAT many mistakes, CLG wouldn't be a competitive team. He'd be dropped instantly as CLG would lose. No pro player would let a mistake go unnoticed. CLG has loads of 1st place awards and many more top 5 awards. They're a strong team and your false assumption that Hotshot makes "LOADS OF MISTAKES" and costs his team victories is simply not true.

    You seem to like unresearched claims that simply fall apart once you decide to copy paste into google.

  6. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    I would give you specific examples of games where he sucks complete ass and costs his team (not necessarily CLG) the game. There was a game sometime when Nidalee was banned and he had to play Swain. As far as I remember, his team was able to carry him, but he did play noticeably poorer. If I could find the other video of his zero map-awareness Nidalee game I would post it, but I can't find it and am too lazy to look for it. He plays noticeably poorer in solo queue games. Also, "loads" gives no numerical value. ;) My loads could be vastly different than your loads.

    I love how you see HotShotGG and assume that it instantly means I'm referring to CLG. Note that there are four other players on a team.

  7. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    I hate except for jiji. <____>
    Garen is at a good spot. He's like an AD melee version of LeBlanc. Super strong early game and if he dominates, he'll be able to transition into mid/late game. He's really not as bad as you think he is.

    I believe Xin Zhao was nerfed like Eve because Riot is trying to re-work him.
    Not for normal elo since there are way more variables, yeah. But it works like that for ranked. Sorry if I misread which you two were talking about. ;-;

    I just don't enjoy how there are so many champs, but you usually see the same ones due to what the pros play and funny tier lists. ._.;

  8. Default Re: New to League of Legends? Quick 5 minute Guide

    There are additional variables for ranked elo. Kind of why Missy had 1900 elo but a negative win/loss ratio in ranked.



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