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  1. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Farming is easy when you're invincible.

  2. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    The "support" Nidalee tho

  3. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Won two ranked games earlier, one where both teams had several comebacks although eventually ended up winning.

  4. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    League goal achieved. 444 wins, 444 losses.

    Next up : 777 wins, 777 losses!

  5. AFK at Ch 18 Leafre Straight Male
    Nion's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: GreenTeaSip
    Server: Scania
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Symbolism
    Alliance: Lore
    Farm: Symbolism

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    My friends and I went to LCS today and I brought my giant Kappa head.

  6. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Bad build, but DAMN dat farm. The split-push power of a TP Galio is so real.

  7. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Lmao me and my duo partner went on mad tilt after playing in silver for too long.. I dropped all the way to silver 5.. then when we realised we was so far out of our own elo we could make pomegranate like annie jungle work we laughed.

  8. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    From a couple of days ago but yay! :)
    My goal is to hit Plat this season since I was Gold last haha.

  9. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Got Riot shirt & mug from the girl I like that went to Riot HQ.


  10. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Wish I could take advantage of double IP. If only the damn lag goblin would stop getting between my laptop, my roommates wifi, and riot's servers, and cause me to reach bonkers levels of ping, I might be able to do pomegranate.

  11. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    So, I discovered TF jungle. My life will never be the same. Freeeeeelooooooo

  12. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Decided to randomly create a ranked team with some friends. We range from Silver V to Plat IV.

    We won 2/2 so far!

    Dat Silver V Ziggs score!

  13. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    pineapple this game.

  14. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Jungle TF... I just don't get it. Poppy and Fiora, I can get. Even heimer and annie. but TF?

  15. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Not many ranged AD champs (since that's how I build him) have both hard and soft cc, with a very low cd, AND a built-in teleport. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Not the best ganks, but eh. It's fun, at least! Until you continuously pull blue cards and pineapple your whole team up. Yeahhh

    EDIT: HEYOOOOOO Silver I, baby. Ranked isn't so bad, after all. The trolls are trollier, but that's about it. Lee Sin is still a peach.
    Last edited by Foolyz; 2014-04-30 at 08:42 PM.

  16. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Played my EUW account on my day off after a 13 hour coma. I feel so freshhhhhh !!

    Today was a good day.

  17. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Ranked is one's journey...through ranked.

    Ranked is cool. I like ranked.

    EDIT: 5-2 in placements today, God bless. 3-1 as Thresh, 1-0 as Lulu, 1-0 as Lee Sin, 0-1 as Elise.

    And in that one Thresh loss someone picked Gangplank ADC--I literally cannot think of a worse ADC for lane. If he had built bruiser GP it would've been better, but no, he went Critplank.

    Critplank does nothing in lane. NOTHING. Especially against a duo lane vs a ranged ADC. You just walk around and take poke and try to CS with your Q but you can't because you have to build shiv first and you do no damage and your support hates you for picking Gangplank because he has to sit and twiddle his thumbs until laning phase is over and asjdflasdjflk
    Last edited by chrome; 2014-05-03 at 02:53 AM.

  18. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Lost 30 LP today/yesterday.

    Kha'Zix wrecked early game. I'm not sure why first pick didn't ban him when we were on purple side. Galio lost lane and kept dying to LeBlanc because Kha'Zix got Leblanc snowballing. Galio picked it to counter pick LeBlanc. They were fed to where we wouldn't win a 5v4. Pantheon was doing fine but we just couldn't find a good teamfight where we didn't get spread apart.

    Our Udyr buys Feral Flare then he starts to built a Trinity Force. Warwick found kills in all lanes. Ori picked against my Fizz pick. Bot lane was arguing the whole time because they kept losing 2v2s. No wards on map either.

    This is why I don't like ranked.

    But on another note, Kog'Maw jungle is fun. The first clear is where you are most vulnerable. After the first clear though, you are ok. Basically, if they invade or the other jungler catches you in the jungle, you might die, you have to flash or you lose a buff.

  19. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Failed yet another promo trying to get back to Gold II. I'm not normally one to criticize, but check these builds. Renekton rushes hydra vs Jax. Vi builds FF. Ashe has 2 items but none of them are IE.

    No amount of pulls were going to make us win a fight. And they banned my Nami

  20. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Woah. Ashe's build is a legit adc build. In fact, it's probably the most legit ADC build. If anything you should be looking at your Ruby Sightstone (you shouldn't upgrade it from regular Sightstone that often unless you desperately need HP AND you don't go back to base often).



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