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  1. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Congrats Loose. Emblem in game when?

  2. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Next year we'll be the Kabuum/Minesky. : D

  3. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    That's awesome @Loose;

    Looks like NA servers crashed and burned so I'll have to do some studying instead like a good little boy.

    In other news, I really, really want to do some complex data analysis using for jungle pathing vs gold generation, kill participation, and objectives. There's a huge potential for quantifying (statistically) and hopefully come up with interesting results. If only I didn't have uni and work to distract me from the things that really need to get done.

    My bro pointed this video out to me today. You can apparently also use the combo to wall hop over and back. I've got a diamond friend that keeps telling me Azir has a lot of potential and I definitely think he's fun to play. It will be interesting to see if the "bad" champs like Gnar and Azir start showing up in LCS play next season once the pros bother to figure them out.

  4. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Rengar is basically freelo. You can get an easy gank level 3 anywhere with an empowered E, and then just get feral stacks for days.

  5. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Playing in LAN due to University ping being absolute ass in NA.

    it's 18 vs 272 at the moment.

    IGN: Naked Jehuty

  6. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Need a guide on how to play Riven, please.

  7. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Gnar hasn't been considered bad for a few weeks now in higher ranked play, and I see bans of him quite a bit in high plat/low diamond, and on streams of d1/m/challenger players. Azir is still considered pretty niche, but I think people are beginning to notice his potential.

  8. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    5s guide to mastering Riven

  9. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    So I had given up on Plat after falling to Gold II and decided to just play for fun. Then this happened:

    And now I'm in promos for Gold II->I once again. I really don't want to get my hopes up :S

  10. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Howling Abyss. 6 PM. My friend wants to go grocery shopping right now. I promised her 2 hours ago that I would come with her. I need to end this game right now. I text her saying that I'm going to be 5 minutes late.

    I'm playing Vlad. Deathcap, Zhonya's, WotA, Abyssal, Mercs+3. 11 kills. The game's been at a stalemate for 30 minutes. Their team, full of CC, is making a final push towards our base after gaining an advantage from our last teamfight. My ult is down. It's 2v3.

    Our Veigar casts stun. Thresh, Zyra, and Nautilus all sidestep it. Nautilus tries to hook me. I pool out of it. Hits Veigar instead. Both are at 10% HP. Veigar casts W point blank. Both of them die. It's 1v2.

    Zyra tries to root me. I sidestep out of it. Tides of Blood hits Thresh as I keep its stacks up. Thresh tries to Flay. I sidestep out of it. Q chunks Thresh to 20%. Zyra lands a Q. I'm at 10%.

    Thresh hooks. Pool again, swim out of Thresh's range. E+Q chunks Zyra to low. Pop ghost. Run into the brush.

    Zyra tries to root. Flash to the side. I'm out of escapes and at 20%.

    Thresh walks up to Flay. AAs instead. I have 100 HP.

    Zyra misses her Q. Dodge the Flay. E+Q. Thresh is dead. Hourglass.

    Transfusion and Tides of Blood both at 2 seconds. Zyra walks up. Hourglass gone.

    E+Q. Zyra is dead. Team respawns. Push to Nexus. We win the last fight.

    I type "gg", go grocery shopping with my friend.



  11. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    I'm winning with Jarvan a lot.

    Also Vlad is very fun! I recommend in top lane!

  12. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Won't be getting any end of Season 4 rewards, but whatever.

    Team got to Challenger, had to sub in for the Jungler during promos, playing three games Top, last game Jungle.

    pineapple you, Riot, for the unfair punishment. I got to Challenger.

  13. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Yay! I am happy.

  14. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Played in trick2g subwars last night

    what a game.. (I was the corki btw.. )

  15. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Learned an important lesson today: Don't gank for your solo laners when they're absolute shit at setting up ganks, no matter how much you don't want to gank bottom.

    I was always averse to ganking bottom lane, but I ended up snowballing our ADC and that's how we won. The first time I went mid I was stupid and chased into the edge of tower range and got myself killed while burning their Ahri's flash. Then I went top where our Yasuo, who had already died once, got himself killed by Darius, but I was able to pick up a kill anyway.

    Went mid again because our Nidalee wouldn't stop bugging me for a gank (never do this as a jungler). Swept the brush, no ward. Ahri was playing far enough away that she would just walk away if I tried to E+Q in, so I stayed in the brush for like 20 seconds waiting for Nidalee to fight. She stayed behind her creeps and looks like she was waiting for me to engage. Luckily Ahri went to ward the brush I was in, so I E+Qed and burned her ult, but I couldn't really do anything else since she had two more dashes. Nidalee was still behind her creeps and did literally nothing to help.

    Nidalee starts pinging for a gank again as I recall to red, starts flaming when I go straight to red from base. Yasuo dies top again, 3 kills behind now. So I'm like fuck it, I'm not ganking for either of you two anymore.

    Took red. Took blue. Went straight to bottom lane. Traded 2 for 1 in a 3v3. Snowballed Twitch from there. Won the game. Yasuo ended up feeding and Nidalee didn't really do anything else.

  16. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    I played my first game after coming back from deployment (round 2) tonight. Went support janna, and I think I did okay. (normals, not ranked, just fyi.)
    The new SR looks really pretty. the jungle mobs look silly. Dragon and baron buff changes were a "wtp is this pomegranate??!" moment for me. what the hell is up with that blue ring at the start of the match? Why do the inner turrets now give def. buffs? Why is feral flare gone and now there's these four new items; why do two of them allow you to smite champions?????
    Lastly would someone be interested in duo-queueing? ._.

  17. Default

    Devourer enchantment is a gimped Feral Flare in the sense that stacks only begin once you've purchased the item and don't start from Hunter's Machete. Warwick is currently OP in the new Jungle due to his built in sustain and ability to safely dragon at early levels. Only other jungler on equal level to him might be Pantheon in terms of dragon clearing due to his stun attribute. I think that the new items add more diversity to play and widen the pool for potential junglers you wouldn't normally see due to one of them providing cc providing added ganking potential.

    I really like the transition. I would have hated it though if I hadn't decided to play around with Dota 2 where itemization really alters game play and gank potential. Dota 2 is refreshing because there is just such a large array of items that have so many actives, even base items have actives and charges that you need to keep mind and you can purchase features exclusive in League to champions like Twitch, Evelynn, and Teemo by simply spending some beginner gold on smoke bombs. Adding more applicable utility to bought items is a positive direction for the game to move in and prevent stagnancy.

    I feel that League is gradually going to shift into the direction of Dota 2 with more niche item selections that provide situational actives making the gameplay highly situational and actually unique.

  18. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Rektsai is balanced.

    EDIT: Also, you can see invisible champs with Tremor Sense. pineapple you, just pineapple you Shaco. You're done. I eat you now.
    Last edited by Foolyz; 2014-12-12 at 11:32 PM.



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