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Thread: The Help Thread

  1. Default Re: The Help Thread

    Orb might technically proc it because its a spell still.

  2. Water

    IGN: SolicShooter, SolicSage
    Server: Demethos
    Level: 162
    Job: Captain, BaM
    Guild: FallingStars
    Alliance: Quit MS

    Default Re: The Help Thread

    It could make sense for balancing purposes. Regardless everyone who jungles frequently with Morgana/Lee Sin can see that Smite, which is true damage, procs spell vamp.

  3. Default Re: The Help Thread

    Actually yeah this is correct. Spellvamp + Smite = lololol.

  4. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: The Help Thread

    I'm confused about another term which is starting to show up in my matches:


    What's that about?
    Why do people start raging when they get "no ss"? send support or something? someone was spamming it like once a minute and i couldn't for the life of me figure out what they were doing.

  5. Default Re: The Help Thread

    ss means missing. People generally say it when the lane opponent seems to be gone from the lane, letting other people know they might get ganked by said missing champion(s)
    re means returned, so they are back in their lane again.

    People generally get mad about 'no ss' when they cant be bothered to ward around their lane and/or had tunnel vision and didn't notice the gank until it was too late.

  6. Default Re: The Help Thread

    Pretty much what Eddikins said. It's a luxury that people get too used to and then forget to maintain map awareness. Or they don't see it in chat until after it's too late anyway. *Shrug*

    I call mia/ss when I can, but having to stop to type isn't ideal most of the time, so the burden is still on each person to keep an eye on the minimap, maybe even occasionally tab to see how the enemy team is building/how well they're cs'ing.

  7. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: The Help Thread

    aaaah i see, thanks very much, that makes a lot of sense now

  8. Default Re: The Help Thread

    If you don't have the time/can't mention it immediately cause you're last hitting, you can still ping the back button (defaulted to v). If i see someone like TF run towards top, or bot, I immediately do that, tying ss, or care bot/top, can take too long for someone like TF, but even for other champs, that back ping can alert someone to the danger better than tying in chat would. People won't always listen to you, and you might make them miss some cs/exp, but it's better than them feeding the enemy team kills. And if it saves them even once, I generally consider it a success, assuming you're solo queued of course.

  9. Default Re: The Help Thread

    I use the general ping to proxy an mia call, not the back ping - the back ping is alerting your team to stay away from something or to retreat, the general ping is to draw focus or attention.

    Something to stay away from, though, is spamming pings - the one that bugs the pomegranate outta me is getting 3 or 4 pings within a second from the same person. A single ping gets my attention, multiple pings distract and annoy me. Pinging to retreat when someone is being cc'd or ambushed by the enemy is also irritating - no pomegranate I need to retreat from a 1v3 fight, I'm TRYING to do that but I've got 2 stuns, a snare, and a perma slow on me (I tend to focus on split pushing mid/late game as Skarner if my ult is on cooldown or we're having a tough time pushing a tower. I figure either I'll get the tower while my ranged teammates harass and force them to defend or I'll force someone to react to me, helping my teammates push again. Occasionally this does result in most of the enemy team showing up to kill me).

    Point being, a warning is only useful before a problem occurs, not after.

  10. Default Re: The Help Thread

    I tried AP Kog'Maw in a normal game last night. I had moderate success, though I believe I could do better in lane (vs. Anivia!) performance-wise by being more aggressive with Void Ooze.

    As for itemization (not in order), I got as far as Sorc Shoes, Rabadon's, Rylai's, Archangel Staff. I was thinking about Lichbane, Voidstaff, or Gunblade as my next purchases to complete the item build. Would it be worthwhile building a Gunblade, assuming the other team doesn't really get MR? (they had Aegis, but that's about it AFAIK)

  11. Default Re: The Help Thread

    Probably not, since spell vamp doesn't proc from his W. Lichbane would be pretty powerful with his ult's low cooldown or Voidstaff and Madred's to improve his HP shredding abilities.

  12. Default Re: The Help Thread

    the one time i was able to try ap kog, i was duoing with a friend who went kat... and rushing double wota was well worth the investment

    i prolly wouldnt bother with gunblade... lich bane if they dont build mr, void if they do

  13. Default Re: The Help Thread

    I may or may not have a problem.

    What do with rest of points?

  14. Default Re: The Help Thread

    Find a way to pay Riot to remove Evelynn from your account so you can play ARAM without getting screwed?

  15. Default Re: The Help Thread

    I still have naive hope for stealth rework.

  16. Default Re: The Help Thread

    So part of the tradeoff with Kog'Maw is that you won't be auto-attacking much when you're R spamming. I wouldn't grab a Madred's Bloodrazor in this case, or if I were, I should have went hybrid/AD Kog'Maw. Not to mention Live Artillery has MUCH longer range than his Bio-Arcane Barrage. Distance is a pretty nice means of safety, and Kog'Maw really excels at that. In my experience, people would love to shut you down if they get the chance.

    The deal with Gunblade is that it contributes the most to R damage in a single slot (actually Rageblade does, but it needs stacks to be effective). The lifesteal/spellvamp is icing on top, and the slow active can help to peel off the occasional gap closer champ. The main issue I see is that it's pretty costly.

    Now that I've done more thinking, I probably should get Lichbane + Voidstaff combo instead. MS is pretty invaluable for a kiter (I had Ghost that time, so if Skarnerssss tried to surprise buttsex me, he's going to have a really hard time catching me), and sporting +600 AD to auto-attack per proc is nothing to scoff at. The base damage on R is pretty high for a poke (400 magic damage versus champions), but it scales really badly. Not to mention the other abilities do benefit from AP (no AD scaling), and Void Ooze has a decent range for poking and keeping them at bay.

  17. Default Re: The Help Thread

    Wait for sales and use it at that point.

  18. Default Re: The Help Thread

    I am completely the same ;)

    I randomed Garen the other day and found i had the dreadknight skin for him that i really don't ever remember wanting let alone purchasing.



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