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  1. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    I enjoy karma too but I dont play her in solo queue for that reason
    My teammates don't know how she works
    Last edited by Purplefire44; 2012-03-22 at 08:22 AM. Reason: Grammar

  2. Water

    IGN: SolicShooter, SolicSage
    Server: Demethos
    Level: 162
    Job: Captain, BaM
    Guild: FallingStars
    Alliance: Quit MS

    Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    I really loathe playing against Shaco in classic, but absolutely love him in dominion, aram and arab (ap). I always lag for the first minute or so during games so I can't play him, where he's most viable, the jungle, which is a shame. :(

  3. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Favourite to play: Rumble, Singed, Fizz, Zilean, Leona
    Least favourite to fight: Anyone who's good with a mana-less champion.

    I love Rumble's ulti. Long range, nice damage/zone, fairly short cooldown. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

  4. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    I just started, but my favorite character is definitely Miss Fortune. Just need to save up enough IP now to unlock her.

  5. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Favorite to play as: Soraka
    Hate to play against: Soraka

    It's a double edged sword isn't it?

  6. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Post IGN in IGN thread please.

    Hey, just pick her in draft pick before the enemy does .

  7. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Favorite: Morde, Jarv, Jax, Yi, Ww.
    Best: Wukong & Shen, SNOWBALLLLL.
    Hate: Fiddlesticks.

  8. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Oh yeah, I forgot how much I enjoy playing Shen. XD

  9. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    One of my favorite champions to play: Fizz

    What I do like about him:
    -- SHARK!!
    -- His first laugh sound track and animation are just a perfect combination of obnoxious and fun! His second one kinda sucks though. Given the contrast between the two, I'd redo the second one.
    -- Trollpole. Unlike Vlad's trollpool, there's a lot more variety on what you can do with it, while not being a total BS move. Though some might argue differently =/ Honestly though, it's a reflex type skill, and even though my reflex kinda sucks, it just feels so good when used optimally.
    -- Never have to deal with minions cockblocking my movements. FK U RANDOMNESS!!!
    -- By far the strongest base auto-attack damage when you combine it with W, aka Trident of Poking Really Fking Hard. It's kinda ridiculous actually.

    What I don't like about him:
    -- Either shuts down opponents hard, or gets denied hard. I could be wrong on this. It's for this reason that I don't like playing him on SR.
    -- Pretty much no good sustain options. I've given up on sustain and opt to do a more aggressive tactic of burning them to the ground.
    -- Melee.

  10. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

  11. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Can't wait to get Fizz, gonna unlock him next.

  12. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Enjoy: Jax and Ziggs
    Hate: FIddlesticks and ahri

  13. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Favorites: Ahri, Annie, Sona
    Hate to Fight Against: Tryndamere because ENDLESS RAGE ENDLESS RAGE ENDLESS RAGE and his slow being obnoxious while also already having insane DPS. A skill Cassiopeia player can also be really, really dangerous.

  14. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Currently, I'm having a liking for Garen. Spinning2winning is always fun, even minus the winning part.

    I'm not liking facing those ranged pokers though.

  15. Water

    IGN: FasterHarder
    Server: Dirgie
    Level: 85
    Job: HotSexyRedhead
    Guild: TeamRocket/Doggies

    Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    That feeling when I get to play rammus in draft pick. Seeing all those flashes wasted just because i am rammus.

  16. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Adding Gragas to the list of "FU'CKING CHAMPS I CANT FU'CKING WIN AGAINST IN MID".

  17. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    favorite: ashe (play her at least 90%)
    others: release morde, ziggity, ad and ap sion, xerath, super spy mf, teemo, blitz in co-op, and any mage or ranged ad in aram/arab

    hate: gap closers.
    there isnt a single champ i dislike. too many people play each one too differently. 5 man teams give enough variety that you dont see a champ every game. but when champs are overloaded with gap closers (ahri, fiora, akali, critamere, blue buff kass, renekton) and everyone has flash, the game becomes binary for the ranged ad: you die and your team cleans up, or you die and so does your team. either way youre dead. its especially bad in solo queue ranked, where i generally dont skype or vent so i cant scream at my team the instant i get jumped. but under the right circumstances, ive gone head to head with each of those champs and won. and lost others.

  18. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Better positioning mate.

    If you're against a team like that poking the enemy just isn't worth it when you're easily jumped on. If you always stay in the back, and it isn't in the middle of the jungle or something and the enemy goes around the terrain or something, chances are, you'll just have to blow Exhaust (and the support's abilities) on only one person who jumps onto you who managed to get through their team.

  19. Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    @Corn i know how to deal with it, i just dont like it

  20. Heavily armored Humvee
    IGN: TheSovereignBowi
    Server: LoL NA
    Level: 30
    Job: The League
    Guild: Of Draven

    Default Re: Favorite character to play/least favorite to fight

    Fu'ck that guy. Guess I better buy him and play him myself.



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