Lets say it costs $1000 for a decent skill and $10 to rent 1 skill (Mind you, there's 2 that require PSOKs)
1000X+10Y = Profit

If 15 people get decents to rent out, and 1000 people rent, thats 15000+10000... or $25,000 per server
Now say they removed the decent glitching and Decent skill + nice supporting lines runs $2000. How many of those 1000 could afford to cube their gear that well? And how many of those 15 people would cube additional gear they don't use?

You might get more money, but you might get less. Entire careers are based around crunching the numbers and determining if changing something would be a gain or a loss. I'd personally play it safe and just keep my 20k NX per person.