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  1. Default

    I'm going to laugh if they end up implementing the damage reduction and if it ends up affecting our own summons.

  2. Default

    It won't. If you haven't noticed, no multipliers do. Not even Amp.

  3. Default

    Amp doesn't affect summons? Well I guess I wouldn't really know since I had max amp since 9x.

  4. Default

    Actually when I opened the threads on both forums I reported them immediately with a "please close so replies go directly to Nexon's forums instead of here".

    It just took them three hours for Adura to decide he was going to.

    SP decided to keep it open so it stays up top or something.

    I don't think they can really ignore it very well - It's got 4 times the replies of any other topic on there, has had dozens of flags and reports and is clearly a serious argument raging. At the very least they're going to reply to tell us they're closing it for being inflammatory. Whether they'll continue to ignore the issue itself after that is 50/50.

    As for credit, yeah, don't care in the slightest. Don't want a thank you, don't even if care if they pretend to have known (or really do/did) about it all this time but considered it a low priority. I just want it fixed or clarified. It's a ridiculously simple issue to either code in the default damage, or tell us the exact parameters we should expect these items to perform under. The latter doesn't even require a patch or SC it just requires the honest communication that they're insisting they're going to be doing more of.
    Last edited by Eos; 2009-05-17 at 12:20 PM.

  5. Custom User Title
    IGN: Will
    Level: 20
    Job: Metalworker
    Guild: Boston
    Alliance: Massachusetts


    Because it's really fair that Bishops buy all the staffs/wands with all the money they've made from leech, causing them to inflate to the point that the class they where intended for cannot afford them. FFS, I met one bishop on my server who was COLLECTING them and used a different color each day.

    There is no reason that Bishops should be able to use these without a penalty, and the only people who think otherwise are the Bishops.

    (Also, it should be noted that at the same time the only people who think that Genesis should be left the way it is are Bishops as well.)

  6. Default

    QFT. Also, I can't afford to upgrade, with the prices for good mage stuff these days. Also, I can't afford to upgrade now, because I'm hoarding all the scrolls I find, just to sell when the prices spike as other people realize that they have to rescroll everything. Heh.

    Anyway, I posted a quick hit on the Nexon forum topic. I don't like posting there because I always get nervous that the mods will ninja me about something I said, but I do think that fixing elemental weapons once and for all is the only way to begin healing the mage/bishop divide. Because we should love each other. :D

  7. Default

    Honestly if they fix this I don't give a damn what they do with Genesis.
    I'm just irritated about things designed for my class tree being appropriated and hoarded by people who were supposed to be specifically penalized against doing so.

    Amen. It's like a band-aid, you just gotta rip it off quick and let the healing start.

  8. Neutron
    IGN: motomage
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 18x
    Job: I/L arch mage
    Guild: Forsaken
    Alliance: Honour/Pirates


    al </3 i have a HS bot attached to my char, im better than any old bishop D:

    as time has gone on i've become less interested in seeing this fixed. it keeps prices at an inflated level, making the weps actually worth something. the elemental + lets me hit more than most bishops on holy weak enemies, which is good enough to satisfy my main peach about balancing the classes (bishops getting support skills = weaker, mages no support skills = stronger)

    although it would be fairly comical to see them fix it now. you would see a flood of nicely scrolled ele weps, much more than what the demand is... at the same time it would be a bit sad seeing my wands price collapse.

    the biggest issue in the game is balancing elemental mobs. i wish nexon would go through the game and fix/add/adjust elemental advantages. there should be an equivalent to skeles for ice/fire mages. the frustrating part here is GMS will probably see time temple soon enough, which will give an advantage to high level fire mages, leaving the game continually uneven

    heres hoping theres one more high level area to be seen and its fire based enemies <3 /dreams

  9. Default

    Why would you sell your wand anyhow? The only reason I can think of is to get a better one, which will also be cheaper.

    As for the Temple of Time, I hear the maps are too big to be trainable with elements.

  10. Default

    It'd be interesting to see El Nath expanded upon, which could easily add new elemental enemies - Ice for the outdoor areas, and Fire for the Zakum Dungeon type stuff. Maybe some advanced form of Bains or something, and a giant Leatty or mutant Yeti or something. Lightning could be handled with mechanical enemies, maybe an expansion to Magatia, and the same expansion could create uber-biological enemies that are extremely weak to Poison.

  11. Default

    That's...just wrong

  12. Default

    This is why it won't get fixed. Nexon wants Bishops to want them and for Archmages not to suddenly get them cheap if it does get changed and all the Bishops put them up for sale. The more demand, the more NX gets spent on it.

  13. Default

    And you know how many bishops end up collecting them vs. how many Archmages have BOTH ele wands for their class (thus forcing bishops to buy whichever wand they find, be it 6, 8, or 5, and 7)? If I had a penny for each time I saw a bishop do what you said they did, I'd be dirt poor. It's pretty sad to think that you're arguing this solely on the idea that the weapon is "designed" for one class and thus should be able to be PURCHASED by them solely. I suppose it should be illegal for me to ever consider keeping claws, daggers, guns, or swords in my inventory for a prolonged period of time because I should have to sell them to their "rightful" classes. Trying out socialism in an MMORPG? Maybe another day comrade

    I like how you've pretty much nailed all the stereotypes about bishops together. Before another thread on Sleepy closed, the OP (of this thread) made the hypocritical declaration that bishops have been pampered and that archmages "barely" outdamage them on neutral monsters. Funny how a calculator shows that max AMPed archmage ultimate exceeds maxed Genesis by 128 base dmg, and that maxed Genesis on Skeles does 1005 to an Archmage's 997.5 w/ ele wand. Archmages almost outdamaging Bishops on a monster bishops are supposed to be GOOD at? NO, they ought to zip right past them! *Wonders if SP has a restriction on starting a 30page "discussion" on Genesis*

    The point being is that Nexon may well find it in their best interests to keep this thing under wraps. If it was a mistake, then it would be a beneficial mistake, at least from the business model. Archmages will complain, and they might actually complain a bunch, but the number of archmages that will actually quit because of this is far insignificant to the number of bishops that will and the thousands of gach tickets that won't be purchased once the most expensive weapons in the game deflate. It's a lose-lose situation for Nexon to admit error or validate the status quo, and quite frankly, the sky hasn't fallen on us yet and the current system works. The vast majority of people that are complaining are the ones that think this will benefit them, and this population by far will be majorly disappointed if they consider this course of action a save-all and bishops with ele wands a scapegoat.

  14. Default

    Lol, I'm pretty sure I saw you get called a commie (or close to it) a few times in the past =P coughnoprizesforguessingwhocough

    This whole thread makes me laugh. At the end of the day its just a game. People really don't need to get so worked up over something that really doesn't matter. Next thing, people will argue that AM's need HS to complement their solo attacking.
    (Oh and @ Magus - I see a crapton a mages of ALL classes selling leech)

  15. Default

    Yeah just a game. A game where thousands of dollars are burned to obtain a heap of pixels that is the godliest weapon on planet Arch Mage.

  16. Default

    Do you seriously think Elemental Wands & Staves are truly a key driving factor in the purchase of Gachapon tickets at this point? That might've been a possibility 10 months ago when they first came out, but today?

    As for your sky is falling the world will end people will quit - Neither result will have a noticable impact on the natural ebb and flow of player interest. People will be mad either way, a few people who are looking for excuse to quit any way might actually do it, but those same people are just likely to be back in three weeks peaching about something else.

    If it's corrected now, it's not a problem in the future. Population steadily rises, so the sooner a problem is eliminated the less people who are impacted by it. Ripping the band aid off now will hurt a lot less than if they wait another 10 months before deciding it's screwy.

  17. Default

    We've already had many discussions on genesis. And no, by no means should Bishops out damage Arch Mages by far, especially on the end game training map.I hear the Time Temple maps are too big for ultimates to be efficient, meaning Skelegons are still the best option. Now why shouldn't Bishops be stronger? One reason: They're a friggin' support class. I think they should be able to do damage, but not that much damage. It's like a combat medic doing as much damage as a heavy right now.

    Some of you argue that Bishops aren't a support class, but they are. Let's take a look at all of a Bishops support skills: Heal, Bless, HS, Dispel, Mystic Door, Resurrection, and Holy Shield. 7 support skills. No other class even comes close to that.

    And the Bishop buying up all the different colors is rare, and it's also completely wasteful while it's useful for AMs. Fire/ Ice weapons are for training, while Lightning/Poison is for bossing. Right now all I have is a lightning staff, which brings my ice damage up to 154%. With an ice staff, It's brought up to 175%. That's a 13% increase in damage. Bishops get what, 30 more MA over a doomsday? 50 if you include the base luk? With, let's say 1200 MA, that increases damage by 4%. So those 4 wands that greedy Bishop is using because they're pretty could instead increase 2 AMs damage greatly in both bossing and training.

    Also, what idiot still goes to gacha because they want elemental wands? Sure, they'd be happy if they got one, but nobody goes to gacha because they want to get a wand.

  18. Default

    I prefer the Nun With a Bazooka analogy myself.

    Actually EbonyDiane and I blew about $400.00 each the first week they were available trying to determine the chances of getting one. Neither of us succeeded. Both of us eventually got ours from people who spent 11$ on a whimsy.
    Last edited by Eos; 2009-05-18 at 09:27 AM.

  19. Default

    Not all LUKless bishops leeched their way up and sell leech. I used a lvl 64 wand until I was lvl 17x, never bought leech, never sold leech to fund myself. Why shouldn't I have a weapon that makes me stronger? I train hard and want to improve, just like the other mages. If a pole arm could increase my max damage by 30k, I'd save my mesos to buy that. It just so happens it is the Ele wand that gives me the increase. Even taking the damage cut, the Ele is an improvement over the Maple Shine Wand, so unless Nexon produces a better weapon for LUKless, I can't see that anything will change, even if they implement the damage decrease.

  20. Default

    There's absolutely no way even 100 extra mattack could compensate for you losing 25% of your total damage.

    Just because I like backing up statements of fact with numbers, assuming you had 1200 mattack before your weapon, here's the results of the weakest shine wand possible compared to the strong natural 130 elemental against skeles:

    1200 magic + 72 for shine = 71393 to 86694
    1200 magic + 161 for ele = 64012 to 77109

    Even the strongest elemental doesn't give you nearly the oomp after a 25% cut. It essentially negates your entire bonus you get for skeles being susceptible to holy.
    Last edited by Eos; 2009-05-18 at 10:15 AM. Reason: Now with math flavoring!



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